SetoGurans was established in 1979 as a center for early age children and later worked as an educational non-governmental organization at a time when there were not many organizations working for the welfare of the children. It focused on advocacy, introducing various modules for children, parents, community and other stakeholders, creating an inclusive environment for children to grow to their full potential – physically, emotionally socially and intellectually.
In 1979, when the world was celebrating the international year of the child, seed of SetoGurans NCDS was sown. Moved by the children’s plight from the untouchable (dalit) community in Lalitpur, afflicted from birth by caste discrimination and poverty, Ms Agatha PakhringThapa initiated her efforts to raise awareness and sow hope within the community that transformation begins with children. She created a center that could break the cycle of deprivation for the young children of those communities.
At the same time, she struggled to find official support and backing. Rev Fr William Robins SJ, who was sensitive to the social causes that denied children of their chances of development, offered a place at St Mary’s School premises to allow Ms Agatha to transfer her dreams into reality. The first batch of 26 children entered her Seto Gurans center on 1st November 1979. Thus, SetoGurans was born.
After the 10 months training on Kindergarten Teaching and Supervision, organized by Mount Carmel International Training Centre, Haifa, ISRAEL — Agatha came back from this eight months sabbatical knowing that she would do something to help the children of the poor. She never went back to her old position. Instead, she devised an approach, and then began visiting the homes of untouchables to persuade the parents to send their children to the new preschool she had decided to start. Thereafter, she gave her both the inspiration and the tools to transform the lives of young children and ultimately their community.
Teachers Professional Development (TPD) Training (First Phase)
Initiated Teachers Professional Development (TPD) Training (First Phase) based on the Government of Nepal's ECD Revised Curriculum 2077BS.
Learning Continuity during Pandemic
Promoted the Learning Continuity for Pre-primary Children through Tele-teaching and Parenting Education Radio Program Sikdai Sikaundai in Nepal.
Expansion of ECD Caucus in federal context
Provided needful support to form Provincial ECD Caucus in Madhesh Province, Bagmati Province, Lumbini Province, and Karnali Province.
Establishing the Regional ECD Resource Centers
Provided supported to establish regional ECD resource Centers in seven Provinces of Nepal.
Demonstration of the Integrated ECD Program
Organized Parenting Education (PE) fair and exposure visit for exchanges of learning with the local stakeholder.
Focus to parents, community
15,000 parents and 17,000 ECD aged children were directly benefited by Parenting Education (PE) Program.
Integrated Approach on ECD
Multi-sectoral Plan and integrated ECD planning had been started.
Formed ECD Caucus
In 12, Paush 2066 BS, ECD Caucus was formed in the presence of 80 parliamentary members.
Start of Media Mobilization
Seto Gurans produced and broadcasted the Kheldai Sikdai Radio Program across 38 districts.
Celebrating the Silver Jubilee
Seto Gurans marked 25 years of its establishment and efforts.
Start of Transition Initiative on ECD
A transition initiative piloted in Kavre to improve the quality of Primary Education in the early grades together with Government of Nepal.
Regional Linkages
A series of Regional Linkage Seminars were held to start regional actions on ECD in Nepal.
Start of Model ECD Centers
Establishment of 26 Model ECD Centers across Nepal and publishing children story books.
Research and Study
A research study on child rearing was undertaken by Save the Children Alliance, Seto Gurans, UNICEF, CERID and New York University.
Human Resource Development
Seto Gurans embarked on an ambitious program that signaled the start of the Seto Gurans district organizations.
Start international networking
Seto Gurans made arrangements of the trainers from Mount Carmel Training Center (MCTC), Israel to conduct workshop on creativity in ECD.
Disseminating the
Production of a documentary film 'Entry-Point'.
Extended Partnership
Establishment of 52 nutrition centers in Sindhupalchwok district upon request from Action Aid. This was simultaneously organized for local clusters in five locations.
Development of Resource Package
Development of new packages on ECD with the support of UNICEF Nepal. An innovative program for the below 3-year children named 'Entry Point' started.
Establishment of Training Center
Seto Gurans was officially registered as a training center from District Education Office as it was recommended by National Education Commission, and Ministry of Education.
Extended Outreach
Establishment of Early Childhood Care and Edu8cation Center (ECCEC) based on the Seto Gurans model (where?) after conducting trainings for the Small Farmers Development Project (SFDP) and Basic Service for Local Development (BSLD).
Beyond Kathmandu
The start of community development programs in rural areas; training and support for the first 'Early Childhood Care and Education Center'.
Spread the Message
A new approach unveiled which contrasted the traditional teaching methods catering the needs of young children.
The international year of the child — seed of Seto Gurans first sown.