What is Seto Gurans National Child Development Services?
Seto Gurans National Child Development services (SGNCDS) is a pioneer organization in the field of Early Childhood Development at national, district and community level. It is registered as an Educational Non Governmental organization, working since 1979 in advocacy, introducing various modules for children, parents, community and other stakeholders. It aims to reach the hearts and minds of children from most disadvantaged groups as well as all ECD age group children, their families and communities. It has shown sincere commitment to the ideals of child centered development approaches and a belief in the rights of all children to grow their full potential – physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. At the time of its origin, there was hardly a non-governmental organization which worked for such group of children’s right.
Why website and content update is needed?
Better content gives more traffic. Keeping the content up to date on the site helps build trust between the organization and its clients (donors/partners). Most likely, clients rely on the site for useful information on whatever objectives you are about to deliver in. Updated information also helps build domain authority. Thus, updated website and content not only reflects the scenario of the organizational activities but also embodies the quick action and enhances the credibility upon the organization. -
What are our Visions?
SetoGurans envisions Nepal as a country, in which the rights of all children are ensured, where all children receive quality opportunities for learning and developing their full potential, so as to grow up healthy, happy and with self-esteem, to become contributing members in future for the positive transformation of the society and the nation.