
Expanding to Outreach/Building Competent Human Resources


Expansion of any action also depends on the human resources that are capable of taking the idea beyond an organization. This was realized by Seto Gurans NCDS in 1997, and  thus joined hands with the then Redd Barna (later known as Save the Children, Norway) to develop and prepare competent human resources who can own and take the passion further. 

As such, a training program was developed and implemented called for ‘Diploma in ECD’. Stating the obvious, the trainees joining the program later started chapters in their respective home districts as ‘District Chapter of Seto Gurans’. These district chapters are now actively conducting the ECD programs and support the local bodies technically to enhance the quality of ECD at their level.

They also work with multiple partners, both independently and conjointly, to help Seto Gurans NCDS realize its vision. The first training event for the Diploma in ECD was conducted in 1997 in Lalitpur and had trainees from eight districts. Each training event run for three months, the first was followed by second and third batches immediately after, with refresher courses for the trainees. This Diploma in ECD training was conducted for up to eight batches covering 59 districts. (Please refer to the details of each graduate at AnnexI.)

Out of the trainees representing 59 districts, graduates from 45 districts have officially registered as district Seto Gurans Chapters. A total of 228 trainees have graduated from the training program to date Seto Gurans including 25 district chapters’ management staffs. The graduates have also been provided with the opportunities to attend some national and international training programs. These trainings are conducted on need/demand basis in collaboration with the national educational authority(Centre for Education and Human Resource Development, Government of Nepal),local bodies, development partners and local NGOs.


Seto Gurans NCDS conducts regular training on




Three months Diploma Course on ECD

  • This training aims to produce human resources (trainers). Graduates in Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) are eligible to participate on it.  


TOT (Training for Trainers)

  • The TOT is conducted to develop the trainers in different topics i.e. Early Childhood Development, Parenting Education, Early Literacy & Match (ELM), Healing and Education through Art Training (HEART), Music Therapy, and Home Based ECD Training.


Parenting Education Training

  • Parenting Education (PE) training is provided to those who conduct the Parenting Education Session. Basically, it's given two times — basic (7 days) and refresher (5 days). After the training, they (trained human resources) will be able to conduct PE sessions in the community with participatory method that enhance the knowledge, attitude and practice of parents and caregivers on child rearing, caring, protection, and stimulation based on nurture and care-frame work.  


Entry Point Training

  • This provides training to parents and caregivers of the 18-36 months' children on the concept of ECD, materials making, and daily schedule of entry point. Indeed, this is the preparation for sending the children to ECD Center.


Home based ECD Training

  • This training is provided to parents (of conception to 3 years children), caregivers and mentors on the home based activities. It helps them to learn and enhances their skills on rearing & caring of early age children at home.  


Training to ECD Facilitators (Basic and Refresher):

  • Basic training to ECD facilitators is designated/targeted to the ECD Centers' facilitators and it includes the basic information (ECD Curriculum, ECD Minimum Standard, Early Learning & Development Standard (ELDS) based on Government of Nepal) on conduction of ECD Center. The training period is 16 days.  
  • Refresher training is provided to those ECD Centers' facilitators who have already got basic training. The period differs as per the topics (5 days Or 7 days).
  • Material Making Training is also provided during the course of basic and refresher training.


ECD Center Management Committee Training

  • This training provides the concept of early childhood development for sustainability of the ECD center with child-friendly environment in involvement of ECD Centers' Management Committee, Head-teacher, Parent Teacher Association (PTA). Normally, this training takes 2-3 days.


Ecological Framework Based Training for ECD Center

  • This training aims to capacitate model ECD Center's facilitator on ethnicity, diversity, and culture through storytelling method.   


ECD in Action Training and Workshop

  • This training is the process of enhancing quality of the ECD Center. Basically, this includes ten facilitators (maximum) from as many ECD Centers and moves to each ECD Centers one by one. Thus, each facilitator monitors their own ECD Center and others too. 


ECD Orientation to Community and Stakeholders (Advocacy)

  • This provides concept, importance and program modality of ECD along with way-forward to implement the respective programs. Anyone can involve in this orientation since this awareness raising program on early childhood development.      


Training on Early Literacy and Math (ELM)

  • This training is for trainers and ECD center facilitators to prepare children (below five years) on early literacy and math before enrolling them to school. Overall, this is the preparation for formal education.


Healing and Education through Art Training (HEART)

  • This training is provided to ECD Centers' facilitators on the theme of children's social and emotional development. Basically, the training period is 5 days.


Local Integrated ECD Planning Workshop to Local Stakeholders (Advocacy)

  • The Local Integrated Early Childhood Development Planning (LIECDP) Workshop is designed to provide orientation on the concepts and importance of ECD and its planning. The training is provided to local government authorities (i.e. Mayors/Chairperson, Deputy Mayors/Chairperson, Ward Chairperson, and Section Chief Officer) to increase investment in integrated ECD programs. Period of training is 4 days for trainers and workshop for local government authorities is 2 days.   


Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Plan (MSNP) and Assessment of the ECD Centers (Advocacy)

  • This training aims to capacitate the human resource on MSNP and Assessment of the ECD centers through spider-web tools/method. This helps to enhance the quality of ECD center in the involvement of the community people. Basically, the training period is 5 days.